MAM = Multi-Account Manager

Accept global MAM & PAMM accounts entrusted trading!

Account starts:Official at $500,000, trial at $50,000!

Profits shared half (50%) & losses shared quarter (25%)!

Assist in self management of family office investment!

Forex manager account management experience and trading insights sharing:MAM & PAMM | Being proficient in utilizing big data screening enables diligent and astute individual investment traders to identify lucrative money-making and wealth-building opportunities

Today is the heyday of the Internet, and artificial intelligence can already replace investment traders to enable automatic investment tradings. Individual investment traders face challenges in accessing the advantages of using artificial intelligence that are available to large institutions, big banks, and sovereign wealth funds due to the size and conditions of their funds. Individual investment traders, however, can utilize the more flexible and lightweight Excel data filtering function to identify investment opportunities that may not appeal to large institutions, major banks, sovereign wealth funds, and other entities. This tool can also help individual retail traders lacking the capital size and conditions required by institutional investors. When it comes to investment targets, seek opportunities that are suitable, unique, and tailored to your needs. This approach will help ensure the seamless realization and accumulation of funds for long-term investments. For instance, when it comes to forex investment carry trades in emerging markets, large institutions, major banks, sovereign wealth funds, etc. May look down on it or be unwilling to take the risk. As for retail investors with small capital, firstly, without a certain amount of capital, it is impossible to conduct arbitrage tradings. Secondly, even with a significant amount of capital, a lengthy holding period of several years can run out the patience of small retail investors. In short, only by screening and filtering knowledge, experience, information, and data that can be converted into money and wealth, can items with potential, scarcity, and growth value be considered as money and wealth. Otherwise, they hold no value.

Account management experience and trading insights | Moving picture

being proficient in utilizing big data screening make money en

Account management experience and trading insights | Still picture

being proficient in utilizing big data screening make money en

trading room 04

My office is near CHINA IMPORT AND EXPORT FAIR | Visit Office

exhibition center of china import and export fair 01

Office is 2 stops away from CHINA IMPORT AND EXPORT FAIR

exhibition center of china import and export fair 02

Office is 3km away from CHINA IMPORT AND EXPORT FAIR
+86 137 1158 0480
+86 137 1158 0480
+86 137 1158 0480
Mr. Z.X.N
China · Guangzhou

Visit appointment 2 weeks in advance!

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